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Blog /Regular posts and updates from the studio.

Our new fabric printing table!

Over the Christmas and new year, whilst the studio was closed, we took the opportunity to install a new table. Anyone who has been to East Side Print will know our space is small and we have to use every square inch to its maximum capacity. So, enter our bespoke multi-purpose hard-topped/padded fabric printing table.

Our friend Ben made the table, which is actually more of an 'island' with storage shelves at one end and a cupboard at the other. The work surface is 90cm from the floor, making it a really good height to work at standing up.

These pictures show the table with its hard wood cover in place. This is how the table will be used most of the time, when people are printing on paper using the screen beds.

However the wood cover comes off to reveal a padded surface perfect for printing on fabric...

Here's the table with half of the hard cover removed, revealing the fabric printing surface.

The following photographs show the different layers making up the fabric printing table. First a layer of felt:

Then a layer of waterproof, heatproof rubber:

And finally a layer of dense cotton fabric. This can be changed periodically if it gets too stained:

So if you've always wanted to have a go at fabric printing, now's the time to enrol in one of our courses and come and use our new table!



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